
Week 10

James teaches that faith is the essential component of prayer - to come to Jesus with a need in complete confidence and expectancy that he can and will deal with it. The example of Elijah, "a man like our nature", encourages us; that we should be praying for each other and to expect that prayer has great power and is working.

Week 9

James calls Christians to stand firm and endure with patience for the coming of the lord where they will receive God's blessing. They are to live in light of the biblical perspective of this world and the judgment and blessing that is to come.

Week 8

James Reminds us that we are a "mist that appears for a while and vanishes", and points to the arrogance and folly of planning without acknowledging Gods providence. This flows into how followers of Jesus are to see and use their wealth. They are to know the day and steward their wealth accordingly. James contrasts and warns about the pleasures of this life to what is to come from those who do not know God.

Week 7

Christians that enjoy the fullest experience of God's grace and closeness are those who continue to kill pride, seek humility and draw near to God. God promises that he draws close to those that draw near to him in humility and obedience.

Week 6

The genuine Christian will exhibit wisdom by the life that they live, bearing Godly fruit and good works. Some claim to have wisdom, yet their conduct reveals that they have not grasped its true character and origin. True wisdom comes from knowing God, and is the opposite of worldliness.

Week 5

Our tongues are powerful. They reveal what our hearts are really like and show how fundamentally inconsistent we are; with our tongues we praise God and curse others. We need to learn to control our speech and use our tongues for good and to Gods glory.

Week 4

Faith and Works are indivisible. Christian works proceed only from Christian Faith, and genuine faith cannot fail to produce Christian works.

Too much Yap Yap, not enough Tap Tap!

Too much Yap Yap, not enough Tap Tap!

Week 3

Faith must exhibit true brotherly love. To show partiality I inconsistent wit the conduct of a genuine Christian as it is a violation of Gods law of love and opposes the gospel message.

Week 2

Genuine Christianity is obedience to Gods word. It is not enough to just listen, we need to respond and live in light of what we have heard. Otherwise, we are like the man who forgets his own face.

Week 1

Trials develop Christian Maturity and joy. It is Gods means to grow his children in stronger faith and character. Wisdom helps is face trials with pure joy, and to know that God is good.